Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A "Serious" Discussion About Senioritis

I felt as though it was about time that I addressed this serious issue that is affecting high school and college students of all ages.  It's time that we've had a serious talk about Senioritis.  

The Symptoms
o Work is not appealing even when the person doing it knows it's good for them or knows that it'll alleviate their boredom
o Homework starts piling up to a point where the student doesn't know what to do
o A student is more excited about getting out of school and heading into summer 
o Usually occurs towards the end of the school year
o Student begins making whimsical decisions-- and they usually aren't for the benefit of humanity
o Fun and play is chosen over work (may or may not be related to the last point)
o Getting lazy and antsy even if the student is not a senior (in other words, it can happen at every age and to anyone)

What To Do If You Or Someone You Love Exhibits Symptoms of Senioritis
o Do not call a doctor.  This is not a serious medical condition.  It can be treated using home remedies
o Parent or compadre intervention may be in order to counter the effects of Senioritis
o More interesting assignments may need to be given (then again, they might not ever get done)
o If all other efforts fail, the condition will undoubtedly clear up by the beginning of the following school year when the afflicted realizes that there is more than a month of school left

Someone had to do it :)

Thanks for Reading!


*Yes, stuffed dolphins are a legitimate alternative to studying for any kind of test (AP Geography not included in this.  I've put myself on the hook by borrowing this book.  It just happened to be the only one I had).
**Do not take any medical advice from me whatsoever.  I'm afraid of the medical profession, so why join it?

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