Friday, April 22, 2011

March: Wildcard Month

An extremely late third installment of the LONTEM Project!  It's almost time for part 4...

If you are just joining me, I think a little bit of explanation is in order.  At the beginning of the year, I made a new year's resolution.  That resolution was to learn at least one new thing every month (thus the name of the project, Learn One New Thing Every Month, or LONTEM).  If you are interested in seeing the other videos that I've done thus far, you may click on the LONTEM Project tab above next to the other page tabs.  The video links are high-lighted in blue.

This month, I learned how to knit, how to make tie-blankets, and how to Hula-Hoop with the help of my friends Laura and Avery and my grandma.





  2. Aww thanks! It was definitely the most awkward to film (because I knew I was doing and saying some rediculous things), but it was the most fun to edit! I'm glad that you like it!

  3. lol it was super-adorable <3.
    We should hang out again soon!!!!!!
    but not this weekend or next weekend... the weekend after that?

  4. P.S.-remember you "little blue notebook" blog? I quite enjoyed reading that! :) You should totally add to it. not to peer pressure you or anything... (do it! do it! do it!!!!) :)

  5. We definitely should hang out soon! I can't hang out this weekend either, you said you're busy the weekend after that, and I have prom the weekend after that weekend. Maybe the weekend after that (being the weekend of May 21)? I'll have to check the big calendar, but would that weekend be a possibility for you?

    By the way, our duct tape shoe project is going in my April video :D I drew pictures and everything! Similar to what I did for the knitting part in this one.

    In this case, peer pressure is good! I've been failing miserably at keeping up with that. I've been trying to write one-act plays this month (I have a little over two days to write 41 more pages), so maybe I'll post one of those. Thank you for keeping me in check and motivated!


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