Friday, March 4, 2011

That Friday Thing

Bonjour, mes chéris!  It is Friday, one of the greatest days of the week!

The Blog Hop and Follow Friday is brought to you by Jennifer at and Parajunkee, respectively (you may use the buttons above and below to go to their pages).

To start us off, the Follow Friday question:

What embarrassing thing have you done on cold medicine?

I'm going to have to do some remembering... I haven't cold medicine for my colds in a long while.  I'm a firm believer in the "suck it up" option... I can only think of talking in my sleep.  That's the strangest though.

Lastly, this week's Blog Hop question:

What is your all-time favorite book villain?

I can just imagine a lot of people saying the same thing, but... Voldemort.  I have never come across a character nearly as evil as Voldemort.  He has reached a point where he holds no value for the life of anyone else but his own, he enjoys pain, though as Dumbledore once said somewhere, "He doesn't play with his food."  But besides Voldemort, I really, really want to tell you my favorite Disney villain!  Maleficent.  She's just so freaking cool!  AND she turns into a dragon!

I'm interested in reading your answers as well!  Feel free to leave a comment below with a message and/or your web address.  I don't know how much I'll be able to see a computer, but I will try my best this weekend.  If nothing else, I'll visit you on Sunday!  

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Hopping or Following or whatever it is people are doing this weekend!


P.S. Don't forget to check out My Writing Blog if you're interested!  Also, I'll have a review up sometime this weekend.  I just finished "The View From the Top" so you have that to look forward to.

Book Blogger Hop


  1. I immediately thought of Maleficent too! Like you say she is awesome, but I also like how her name is actually a word that means 'bad' or 'evil.'

    Great OCD post on your writing blog, you definitely get the frantic energy down.

    Come visit me:

  2. Hopping through. I definitely choose Voldie as a villain too.
    My Hop

  3. Hey there, I just followed you for FF/Blog Hop and I'd really appreciate it if you stopped by my blog to follow me as well!

    I'm a new blogger (less than two weeks) so I'd really appreciate any other new followers as well! Thanks. (^_^)

  4. My favorite book villain is, hands down, is the Napoleon of crime -
    Professor James Moriarty.

    It took me less than ten seconds to come up with my answer. But you'll
    never guess why.

    Hop on over to my blog and find out --

    Howard Sherman

  5. Heeeey Jude,
    You're right, Voldie was quite the popular choice from what I've seen :)
    I'm following via the hop, I'd apreciate it if you gave my blog a look!
    Have a great weekend!

  6. I don't think I can say that Voldemort was my "favorite" villain, but I did like the scenes we get of Tom Riddle - how he started out, meeting Dumbledore for the first time and so on. What an interesting backstory he has!


I love your comments! Comment away!